Dr. Jophine S. Namwetako
PhD (UoE), Msc (MMUST), Bsc (UoN).
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  1. Name of journal Material science& Nanotechnology

    Authors Namwetako J. S., Murunga G.S.W.

    Year of publication: 2019

    Title of paper Zero point energy as sea of energy

    Volume 7(2) 2348-9812

  2. Name of the journal: World Scientific News (An International Scientific journal).

    Author: Jophine S. Namwetako, Hezekiah K. Cherop and K M. Khanna

    Year of publication: 2020

    Title Quasi particle energy of a mixture of two component Bose gas.

    E-ISSN 2392-2192

    Pg. 114-125

  3. Name of the journal: IJRAR

    Author Ingosi, A. Tanui,P.K.  Namwetako,J. S. Muguro, K.

    Year of Publication: 2020

    Title Computation of the Expectation Value of the Electron-Phonon and Coulomb Interaction Hamiltonian Using Second Quantization and Many Body techniques

    E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138

    Volume7, Issue 4

  4. Name of the Journal: International journal of recent research Aspect.

    Author: Jophine S. Namwetako, Hezekiah K. Cherop, Peter K. Tanui and Kapil M. Khanna.

    Year of Publication:2020

    Title: Landau Criteria of Superfluidity of Two component Mixture of Bosons.

    ISSN: 2349-7688, PP 20-23

    Volume7, Issue 2

  5. Name of the Journal: International journal of recent research Aspect.

    Author: , Peter K. Tanui, Jophine S. Namwetako, Antony Ingosy and Kapil M. Khanna.

    Year of Publication: 2020, PP 14-19

    Title: Superconductivity and Electron-Hole Superconductivity

    ISSN 2349-7688

    Volume 7, Issue 3

  6. Name of the Journal: International journal of Physics and Mathematical science

    Author: Mukoya AK, Sakwa TW, Khanna KM,Ayodo YK, Sarai A, Rapando PW and Namwateko J.

    Year of of Publication: 2015.

    Title: Critical Temperature And Condensate Fraction of A Bose – Einstein Condensate   trapped in a Finite Volume.

    ISSN: 2277-2111.

    Volume 5 Issue 3.

  7. Name of the Journal: International Journal of research and Analytical Reviews. (IJRAR).

    Author: Peter K. Tanui and J.S.Namwateko.

    Year of publication: 2021.

    Title: Modified Coulomb”s law for Cooper Pairs in Superconductors.

    ISSN: 2349-5138

    Volume 8 Issue 1

  8. Name of Journal: International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews.

    Author: Jophine S. Namwetako And Peter K. Tanui.

    Year of Publication: 2021.

    Title: Recent Advanced in Superconductivity.

    ISSN: 2348-1269.

    Volume 8, Issue 1.

  9. Name of journal: World Scientific News

    Author: Peter K. Tanui, Jophine S. Namwetako, Hezekiah K. Cherop and Kapil M. Khanna

    Year of publication: May 2022

    Title Hydrogen Storage in Metal organic Framework


  10. Name of the journal: scientific Israel- Technological Advantages

    Author: Tanui Peter, Sirma K. Kenneth and Jophine S. Namwetako

    Year of publication: 2023

    Title: Giant Neutron And Properties of Neutron Stars

    Vol. 25 No. 2-3, 2023.

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